What is SEO? Quick Starter Guide to Help Your Website


SEO plays an important role in any digital marketing campaign that you are bound to embark on. With this, more customers in your target market will be able to find your business online and then improve your company’s revenues.

On this page, we’ll cover the basics of SEO and answer some common questions, including:

  • What is SEO?
  • Why Is SEO Important?
  • How does SEO work?
  • How do search engines work?
  • What are SEO advantages in digital marketing?
  • SEO comparison with SEM and PPC
  • Types of SEO

Read on to have all your burning questions answered!

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What is SEO?


SEO, namely Search Engine Optimization, is defined as the best practice of driving relevant traffic to a website through securing top positioning on a major search engine’s Natural / Organic list. In general, SEO aims at the ranking of webpages higher in the search results for a specific query, or set of words that relate to the business owner’s enterprise, called keywords.

In Short: SEO is the main and biggest source of organic traffic.

SEO therefore encompasses technical aspects of your site and general and particular standards of writing content. So that search engines like Google or Bing, or others, are able to quickly find and then clarify the content on your website or webpage. And to give the best to the users out there.

Some of the jobs related to SEO include generating good content, developing content around certain keywords, and establishing links.

Why is SEO Important?


The major advantage of optimizing for a particular keyword is being able to have free traffic going to your site every month.

SEO helps brands, businesses and organizations of all sizes to achieve tangible goals. This is because the process of searching for the search user interface in terms spoken or typed or an image search interface has become fully naturalized for users of the internet from around the world as the initial means to get at the information sought centrally located in the world of billions of web pages.

Whenever people need to get somewhere, perform some task, look for specific data or a particular topic/report – their process is usually a search one.

How Does SEO Work?

When you set up an SEO campaign, it is a method through which you set up your website in a way that enables it to figure on the search engine result pages for specific keywords or key phrases that are relevant to your trade. You’ll also ‘tell’ Google (and possibly other search engines) where to find your site so it can show up on SERPs.

When it comes to SEO, you’ll apply several methods to make the experience of navigating through your website as positive as possible so that your site offers answers in response to questions from your viewers. These improvements will help send positive signals to the search engine that your site helps the user.

Therefore, search engines will index your website higher into the SERPs and you will be given more shots at traffic, leads and sales.

How do Search Engines Work?


Google is the most used search engine in the world, with a market share of over 92%. So we’re going to take an example of Google this time.

Google is an automatic search tool that employs other programs known as ‘crawlers’ to scamper around the web ceaselessly in the hunt for more pages to list on our index. 

Often, you do not need to do anything except place your site on the web. In fact, the greater part of the listed sites is indexed and included in our results tab automatically while crawling the web. If you are readж now, we have documentation about how Google finds and indexes them and how it delivers the Web pages.

Every single change will require some time until it is updated on Google’s end of course. These adjustments can occur within a few hours or take as long as several months of implementing the change.

In general, such effects occur over the long-term, and you probably would not like to determine the outcomes in a few days ; moreover, as I once have already stressed, the results of my work could be observed in event-related effects and in Google Search results, but at the least, in a few weeks after the event.

It is, however, important to note that not all of the changes that you are likely to make to you website are likely to be easily visible in terms of impact on the search results; if you are dissatisfied with the results and your business strategies permit you to do so, it might be useful to try out the changes again and see if there is any change.

Organic vs Paid Results

There are also two forms of outcomes which you will come across — organic and paid. The difference between the two is that while on organic search, the results are not paid for, paid search requires one to pay for the results obtained.

If you enter a query to a search engine, you get paid and organic links- the paid links will be marked with “Ad”. If a user clicks on a paid listing and that leads to the advertiser’s listing they will have to pay for every click. A website owner clicks on an organic listing: he or she will pay nothing.

What are SEO Advantages in Digital Marketing?


SEO is a significant marketing approach that plays a crucial role in the development of your company and achieving new levels.

Check out more benefits of SEO in digital marketing below:

  • Boost online visibility: SEO assists you in enhancing your business’s presence and recognition on the Web. For your business, when you apply an SEO technique, the site ranking will improve; therefore customers will find them easily. That means more of your desired group of consumers find you when you are on the internet.
  • Increase website traffic: This is important because as you reduce your ranking in the SERPs you can drive more traffic to your website. Therefore, potential users come to your site to engage with the content and look at your products and services to generate sales and profits for your business.
  • Stand out from competitors: With SEO you are able to outcompete your key rivals in the search engines. That means you can considerably enhance your expertise status for the type of your business and get one move threshold over your competitors to allure more potential customers.

SEO is a very beneficial tool that allows you to target people that for one reason or another have not heard about your brand before, while maintaining a constant presence in the online domain to boost sales and revenue for your company.

Types of SEO


To begin with, you ought to know the various types of SEO on digital marketing before you begin the process of formulating SEO for your company, which are known as SEO pillars.

Here are the types of SEO in digital marketing:

  1. On-page SEO
  2. Off-page SEO
  3. Technical SEO

1. On-page SEO

On-page optimization is a set of activities aimed at improving your website’s ranking, or its corresponding component parts. On the other hand, when doing on-page SEO, you ensure that your website is helpful and easy to use as it is attempting to answer users’ questions that they have typed online.

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Here are a few elements you can focus on optimizing with on-page SEO:

  • Keywords
  • URLs
  • Title tags
  • Header tags
  • Meta descriptions

On-page SEO allows you to optimize your website to assist both users and search engines better comprehend your web site. For example, by optimizing the titles, you can explain to the search engine and the user what your Web page is about. Therefore, you can raise your conversion rates by boosting ranking and directing users to your site.

2. Off-page SEO

Off page SEO is the optimization which is done outside the company and its own website. The key aspect with off-page SEO is that you concentrate on your website’s credibility. Though neither your website nor your domain authority is listed as one of Google’s ranking factors, building a site with useful content leads to more site visits which in turn can drive you higher up on the list.

This process may include getting links from other sites, sharing on the social networks, and any other reference to your site anywhere on the web. Off-page SEO can include:

  • Making useful, relevant, and quality content
  • Providing your content on Social Media
  • Connecting with influencers
  • Getting other sites to host something that you’ve written
  • Backlinks

Your authority can make or break the perception that search engines and users have concerning your business as an expert in your industry. Furthermore, the higher authority makes your online presence better and search engine ranking more beautiful.

3. Technical SEO

Technical SEO on the other hand is the techniques adopted in your website which enhances its ease of illustration by search engine crawlers and ease of use by its users. 

Some of the most important functions of a crawler is page and website indexing for search engines. That is, the search engine spiders assist search engines to index your page and website data for use in future searches.

With technical SEO, you focus on optimizing the back-end of your website, such as your:

  • Page load speed
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Navigation
  • And further

Your page layout, structure as well hierarchy and loading speed affects how easy your target market and crawlers can interact and interpret the site. Your site loads fast so that customers are able to gain the information they seek and this will help give your site a better standing in the SERPs.

As Compared with SEM and PPC

While doing your research on different SEO techniques, you will eventually find two terms: Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. If you are interested in getting to know what these terms are, and how they vary from SEO, you are in the right place.


As we mentioned before, SEO is about optimizing your site for the specified areas of the organic search engine results. These are the results which show up below the paid or sponsored link.

SEM, on the other hand, is a large enshrine for the improvement of your ranking in both the natural and the paid point. Therefore when you employ a SEM strategy the things that one notices are that you are putting out ads that show at the top and bottom of the SERPs.


PPC stands for Pay Per Click and is an online marketing technique where an individual places an advertisement on a web-based search engine such as Google. It’s commonly known as paid search.

In PPC you pay per click meaning that you will bid for a keyword or phrase that you wish your site to feature in the search engine list.

PPC focuses on paid search engine marketing and advertising, while SEO targets organic (unpaid) search optimization.

Start Growing Your Website with SEO

How to grow your website with SEO involves the following principles; The first principle is to identify your audience. First of all, now perform keyword research which gives an understanding of which terms your target audience is interested in. Make sure to weave these keywords into your body text, headlines, meta tags and image tags in order to enhance the chance of your page ranking well.

Content always matters—make sure that it answers user’s queries, is compelling and corresponds to the topic exhaustively. Other things that should be incorporated in the on-page optimisation includes: the matters of page speed, mobile responsiveness and clean URLs.

It is not any different when building backlinks where a profile has to be created and developed too. Approach other sites relevant to your industry and request to guest blog for them, or request a link exchange. Providing new and high-quality content to the site is also important: it can be done daily, weekly or monthly The site’s performance can be measured with the help of tools such as Google Analytics to make further changes if necessary.

If you need professional help, you should turn to a professional digital marketing company that is Vifuze. SEO at Vifuze is professional and provides personalized solutions to ensure the company that requires search engine optimization services obtains reasonable organic traffic.

Our team major on the actualization of strategic plans informed by data hence enabling your website to perform well with regard to competitiveness in the search engine results. Hiring professionals for SEO can be very beneficial for your establishment especially when it comes to enhancing the progress you wish to make towards your business.

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